Rolande Chernichan, National Chairperson of Faith, May 1, 2024
FOR: Chairpersons of Faith at All Levels (new structure) and Chairpersons of Spiritual Development at All Levels (old structure)
Dear sisters in the League,
April showers bring May flowers, or so the saying goes. The rite of sprinkling holy water during the Easter season recalls the new life we’ve received through baptism. Will the blessing of that light ‘shower’ bring to life a flower within you for Our Blessed Mother’s bouquet during May?
The League has faithfully given devotion to Mary during May, traditionally expressed through praying the rosary. There are many other ‘flowers’ that members can give life to by being rooted in scripture, reflecting on the message of Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato si’ and being guided by Catholic Social Teaching Resources (#624) that invite members “to explore, grow in the knowledge of, and take steps to ‘birth’ Catholic social teaching.”
The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops invites the Catholic faithful to celebrate National Family and Life Week (May 13–19). This year’s theme, Love hopes all things, is inspired by the words of St. Paul the Apostle: “[Love] bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things” (1 Cor 13:7). Linked to Amoris Laetitia, a discourse on love by Pope Francis, the theme guides Catholics towards hope—a theological virtue that renews their relationship with God and others. The toolkit offers prayers and activities adapted to different ages, cultures and circumstances.
Respect for life is often labelled as being “anti-abortion” or “anti-euthanasia.” Please ask your diocesan counterparts to encourage members to be “pro-life” by broadening the perspectives of others through a life-affirming message in a reasoned and persuasive approach about abortion and medical assistance in dying (MAiD) and their impacts. Support life by nurturing and caring for persons of all ages and abilities and respecting the dignity of the human person. The impact of a pro-life message is strengthened by helping those who need support in choosing life. The following examples are some of the “flowers” of being pro-life:
- Participating in activities that promote a culture of life.
- Financially supporting pregnancy relief support centres.
- Donating items that support young single mothers.
- Providing support to women who have experienced pregnancy loss or infant loss.
- Hosting guest speakers to educate about postpartum depression and the importance of mental wellness.
- Organizing and participating in 12 Hours of Prayer for Palliative Care. Invite members and the parish to participate.
- Raising awareness about and initiating a MAiD postcard campaign in your parish using the information found in Social Justice Communique #7.
- Letter writing to government to speak against legislation for expansion of MAiD to include mental illness.
The National March for Life on May 9th has I Will Never Forget You (Isa 49:15-16) as its theme. Please ask your diocesan counterparts to encourage members to take the opportunity to walk the talk by participating in a local walk for life as a witness to the sanctity of human life.
Pope Francis tells Catholics that by her ‘yes’, “The Blessed Virgin is the woman of faith who made room for God in her heart and in her plans….” Members can honour the Blessed Virgin Mary by making room in their hearts and in their plans, offering prayers through her intercession, and by their many flowers of pro-life actions that form a beautiful bouquet in May. How is God calling each one of us? May our response be Here I am Lord, send me.
Rolande Chernichan
National Chairperson of Faith