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Communiqué #03 – Past President

Sep 4, 2023 | By Position, By Year, Communiques, In the News, Media, News Releases, Past President, Past President

Fran Lucas, National Past President, August 30th, 2023

FOR: Provincial Past Presidents


Updates to the National Manual of Policy and Procedure

On August 12th at the national executive meeting that preceded the annual meeting of members, two revisions to the National Manual of Policy and Procedure were adopted. The first revision is tied to the current practice at the national level where the annual report is based on the parish council annual report survey conducted at the end of each year. It is written by the executive director and includes national initiatives undertaken and parish council efforts taken towards those initiatives. As annual reporting season begins in the fall it was agreed the change would be made and communicated now.  

On June 20th a revised national website was launched that includes a form whereby members may consent to being placed on a mailing list. As members information will now be collected outside of the League and will be used by a third party, the national executive has an obligation to ensure that members are aware when they consent to supplying their information and an obligation to ensure the member information is safeguarded when collected. Therefore, a second revision was adopted to include these privacy measures in the privacy policy.

The relevant revised pages are attached to this communique. Ensure communicating with your provincial executive regarding the annual reporting policy change as soon as possible and ensure your members are aware of the privacy policy change.

Your sister in the League,

Fran Lucas

National Past President