Video Testimonial Tapings Announcement
In January the provincial chairpersons of communications were tasked with capturing testimonial footage from members talking about their life in the CWL—their personal and spiritual growth, the friendships forged and the reason they continue to be a member. You will see some unique projects undertaken. Working with a videographer, a video of their testimonies was produced and at national convention snippets were shared during the breaks. The complete project is 13 minutes in length and is now ready for use by councils!
Please download the link for your use as often as you like. A high resolution and a low resolution copy are available.
To download the Video Testimonial file to your computer, right click on one of the links below, and select “Save link as…” Select the folder where you wish to save the file, and click “Save”.
Thank you to everyone who worked to coordinate the tapings in their provinces and to the members who so faithfully agreed to be taped for this production.
Fran Lucas
National Chairperson of Communications