faith | service | social justice

PEI Provincial Council Convention

Jun 23, 2023 | Spotlight

Members of the PEI Provincial Council were happy to gather in Summerside on May 5th and 6th for their 101st Provincial Convention. Guest speakers were Diane Gaudet and Notre Dame Sister Libby Osgood. Proposed amendment and the Provincial Council’s Manual of Policy and Procedure were approved. A resolution on Lyme disease was passed. Convention concluded with the installation of Provincial Officers for the 2023-25 term.

The Provincial Convention held a little something for everyone from informative guest speakers to social time to necessary business sessions. The next year will be one of change and growth as a new structure is brought to the organization of the Provincial and local councils in turn. It is with hope and faith that they look back on a successful year and look forward to more opportunities to work for God and Canada.

Submitted by Cheryl Boom, Vice President