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Implementation Committee Update – June 2022

May 31, 2022 | In the News, Media, News Releases


Welcome back—it is so great to see members in person! The national sisterhood of The Catholic Women’s League of Canada is celebrating. After almost two years of meeting restrictions, members are once again gathering across the country at meetings and conventions. Preparations are underway to welcome delegates from coast to coast for the 102nd annual national convention in Kelowna, British Columbia, from August 14-17, 2022. Members can feel the excitement as parish councils catch up on activities. Many resources are available on the national website ( to help councils plan. There are workshops on leadership, Catholic social teaching and embracing diversity. There are inspiring ideas to market to and attract new members, to welcome, affirm and validate them and videos with member testimonials and powerful stories from the League’s first 100 years. As the marketing, effective communications and training and development using technology working groups continue to work on the strategies for the League of the future, there will be many more ideas to come. The implementation committee is so glad members are back in person!