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Implementation Committee Update—July 2023

Jul 1, 2023 | In the News, Media, News Releases


Implementation Committee Update—July 2023 

By Christa Grillmair, Goal 1 Lead 

On July 1, 1867, the “Fathers of Confederation” created the Dominion of Canada. And on June 17, 1920, the women who came before us started The Catholic Women’s League of Canada. What do they have in common? Both had a vision to unite the country from coast to coast to coast. 

About five years ago, the League launched the implementation of its strategic plan and embarked on a path to prepare the organization for the next 100 years.  

The members of the various Goal 1 working groups have created videos and promotional materials to inspire, manuals and guides to inform, and workshops and training programs to educate. 

Think of the League website ( as your library. You don’t need a card or password to access it. Everything you need is there, right at your fingertips. 

While enjoying the long summer evenings, perhaps take a few minutes and choose one or two of the many resources to review and prepare to be amazed!