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Communiqué #07 – Faith

Apr 11, 2024 | By Position, By Year, Communiques, Faith, Faith, In the News, Media, News Releases

Rolande Chernichan, National Chairperson of FaithApril 10, 2024

FOR: Chairpersons of Faith at All Levels (new structure) and Chairpersons of Spiritual Development at All Levels (old structure)


Christ is risen! He is truly risen! Alleluia! 

I have great joy in being the messenger to make chairpersons of faith (spiritual development) aware that National Spiritual Advisor Most Rev. Wayne Lobsinger (Hamilton) will host a webinar for spiritual advisors on Wednesday, May 8th at 12:00 p.m. (CDT). Spiritual advisors should have received Bishop Lobsinger’s letter inviting them to the webinar in early March from their diocesan counterparts. His letter is enclosed for your information. 

Why am I reaching out to you? A few reasons come to mind: 

  1. The letter may have been missed or put aside to act on later.  
  1. You and your council president are vital links to the spiritual advisor on behalf of your council. 
  1. It presents an opportunity to refresh your relationship with your council’s spiritual advisor. 
  1. You can do a “health check” of your council and your spiritual advisor’s relationship. 

When was the last time you met in-person with your spiritual advisor to discuss the League’s new structure and the advisor’s role? When did you last request their involvement or assistance in planning a spiritual program for a monthly meeting or special event? How supportive or engaged is your spiritual advisor? How supportive and engaged is your council in the life of the parish? 

I encourage you to schedule an appointment to meet in person with your spiritual advisor. The convenience of email or telephone calls limits the relationship building that can occur in a face-to-face meeting. I recommend requesting at least 30 minutes so that there is time to dialogue about the League.  

Foundational to your role and responsibilities as chairperson and to help you cover key topics in your conversation with the spiritual advisor, you may want to refresh yourself on the information found in Handbook for Chairpersons of Faith, Service and Social Justice (#614). Has your council gifted the spiritual advisor with current resources found in the national website’s Manuals section

  • Ceremonies Handbook (#603
  • CWL Prays (#605)  
  • Handbook for Spiritual Advisors (#613

Most important is to encourage the spiritual advisor’s participation in Bishop Lobsinger’s webinar by registering at Your meeting could also be an opportunity to invite the spiritual advisor to attend a diocesan or provincial convention with members of your council. Does your council budget to make that possible? 

On April 21st, the fourth Sunday of Easter, in celebration of World Day of Prayer for Vocations, Christians are invited to reflect on the meaning of God’s call and to pray for vocations. May this occasion inspire you to unite members in prayerfully supporting priestly, diaconal and religious vocations. May it lead you to have that in-person meeting with your council’s spiritual advisor and encourage their participation in Bishop Lobsinger’s webinar. Supported by prayer, may your in-person encounter with your spiritual advisor and their webinar encounter with Bishop Lobsinger deepen relationships between League councils and spiritual advisors. Our Lady of Good Counsel, pray for us. 

Rolande Chernichan 

National Chairperson of Faith