faith | service | social justice

Become a Member of a Year Two Working Group!

Feb 3, 2020 | In the News, Media, News Releases



The mission of the implementation committee is to bring the goals and objectives of the strategic plan to life. The committee offers you an exciting opportunity to volunteer to share your time and talent by becoming a member of a working group for Year Two of the five-year strategic plan implementation. What gifts can you bring to a working group? Check out each of the seven working group descriptions below that will be formed in 2020.

Goal 1 Strategic Leadership – help members grow in faith and develop leadership skills (four to five members required)

This strategy will capitalize on members’ willingness to take on short-term leadership responsibilities. The working group will identify criteria for short-term leadership needs and opportunities by researching and developing strategies to attract members for different levels of engagement and short-term commitments. The group will develop a list of resources and tools to support this initiative. Applicants will need strong research, investigative and computer skills (e.g., comfort using the Internet, Microsoft Word, etc.).

Time commitment: May 2020-July 2021 for completion of this strategy, approximately two to four hours weekly and teleconference calls as required.

Goal 2 Catholic Social Teaching (CST) (four members required)

This strategy will empower members by providing educational opportunities to learn more about Catholic social teaching. The group will generate an extensive list of available educational opportunities and resources surrounding CST and identify and communicate seven key principles of CST throughout four years. Each year, the group will identify existing resources specific to two of the principles. The project will finish in year five with the seventh principle. Applicants will need strong research, investigative and computer skills (e.g. comfort using the Internet, Microsoft Word. etc.).

Time commitment: March 2020-November 2023. An annual commitment of March to November is required, approximately two to four hours/week and teleconference calls as needed.

Goal 3A – League Misconceptions – focus on outreach and service (four members required)

The working group seeks to increase participation of individuals from diverse cultural and generational groups by addressing misconceptions about the League. The group will use information about past and present League accomplishments to create an awareness program and publish monthly quizzes. Applicants will have experience in research and demographics, and knowledge of the League’s history.

Time commitment: May 2020-February 2021. Approximately three hours/month and conference calls as needed.

Goal 3B – Encourage Diversity (five members required)

The working group seeks to increase participation of individuals from diverse cultural and generational groups by encouraging and creating mechanisms to embrace diversity. The working group will research ways to increase diverse cultural and generational representation within the League and suggest concrete ways to implement those strategies. The working group will bring awareness of the League’s diversity through social media and The Canadian League magazine. Applicants will have experience in research and demographics, and using social media, visual arts and other resources to promote an idea or issue.

Time commitment: May 2020-April 2021. Approximately three hours/month and conference calls as needed.

Goal 3C – Toolkits (six members required)

The working group will strive to increase awareness and opportunities for parish-based, short term outreach and service projects by creating ready-made, adaptable toolkits for use in parish councils. The group will research available service-based toolkits from comparable faith-based and service-based organizations and create a model/template for three toolkits (faith, service, social justice), available for download. Applicants will have experience in research (including online research), design/visual arts and in creating programs/models for service-based projects.

Time commitment: May 2020-March 2021. Approximately two hours/week and conference calls as needed.

Goal 3D – Spiritual Formation (four members required)

The working group will develop spiritual programs for distribution at all levels as a way to provide opportunities to increase women’s spirituality as a core objective. Spiritual programs will be created using a variety of formats and will include media-rich and non-media options, as well as the small Christian community model of “pray, reflect, act.” The group will encourage councils to focus on the spiritual and social aspects.

The group will review existing League materials, research available copyright-free sources, create new spiritual programs for distribution and create a workshop to help members write spiritual programs. Applicants will have experience in writing spiritual prayers, researching copyright-free sources online and creating workshops, experience in programs utilizing a variety of methods/types of prayer, using both media-rich and non-media options, and experience in the small Christian community model of “pray, reflect, act.”

Time commitment: May 2020-April 2021. Approximately two hours/week and conference calls as needed.

Goal 4 Parish Councils – focus on issues affecting the operation of the League (four members required)

Restructure the existing standing committee structure at the parish level to respect the uniqueness of councils. The working group, through internal research, will identify and address issues being experienced in parish councils. Through researching internal and external organizations, a resource will be created containing numerous viable options for parish operations. Applicants will have working knowledge of the current League structure, research experience, an ability to work collaboratively and independently, and be comfortable with computer programs.

Time commitment: End of March 2020 – February 2021. Approximately two to four hours/week (varying) and conference calls as needed.

Working group members must be comfortable functioning in a collaborative setting and applicants need to be available during daytime, evening and weekend hours.


Submit the application online at
Application closes end of day March 20, 2020.