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2019 Annual Report – Executive Director

Jun 22, 2020 | Annual Reports, National

Kim Scammell
Executive Director

National office is responsible for the daily administration of League affairs at the national level. This allows the national executive/board to focus on projects and priorities in keeping with the objects of the League and to enable timely response to current issues.

Financial Administration
Expenses were processed, on average, within 15 days of receipt. Monthly unaudited financial statements were prepared and distributed to the finance committee, along with quarterly investment statements.
National office deposited and disbursed more than $2,267,500, $689,400 of which was deposited through electronic funds transfer ($383,700 in 2018). The average weekly cash received and deposited totalled almost $44,000. More than 2,190 orders for supplies were processed, increased by about 200 from the previous year, or just over eight orders per day.

Investment Administration
Investments were managed through consultation with CIBC Wood Gundy. Four fixed income instruments matured, two of which were reinvested in similar instruments with interest rates of 3¼ per cent. The others were held in cash for liquidity purposes. There were no extra contributions to the portfolio made from general revenues, nor were any draws taken on the portfolio to offset negative cash flows.

Membership Administration
Membership packages were sent to parish councils in November 2018. During the year, 4,273 membership batches were processed, for an average of 16 parish council remittances per day. Each of the 1,176 parish councils, therefore, submitted memberships in approximately three to four batches over the course of the year.

Technological Resource Management
One laptop was purchased for use by the implementation committee project coordinator.

Human Resource Management
As of December 31st, national office had five full time, two seasonal, and one contract position, all of which are established by the national executive. The positions of executive director, senior accounting clerk, membership coordinator, office assistant and executive secretary were full time, and the positions of office clerk and data entry clerk were seasonal. The position of implementation committee project coordinator was a contract position.

During the year, the executive secretary was offered an opportunity, which resulted in the position remaining vacant for a few months. Her successor was the former membership coordinator, necessitating the search for a new membership coordinator in fall 2019. The two seasonal employees retired at the end of the 2019 season, and both were replaced, also in fall 2019. The implementation committee, fully active with implementing strategies, required staff assistance, resulting in the creation of the role of project coordinator.